We invest in founders
with momentous innovation
creating a virtuous cycle
for the planet and human.

We are excited to support
Europe-based early-stage startups with our entrepreneurial mindset, expertise, and network to achieve
their momentous innovations.

Investment Focus

Net Zero Technologies

  • To combat climate change, it is crucial that we pursue aggressive strategies to lower carbon emissions and actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. A wealth of innovative technologies spanning various sectors offer promising solutions to accomplish these ambitious goals.

  • The renewable energy landscape has witnessed remarkable advancements, with sources like solar and wind power increasingly fulfilling substantial portions of our energy requirements. However, a key obstacle preventing the widespread adoption of renewables as a primary energy source is the current limitations in energy storage capabilities.

  • Beyond tapping into natural resources like solar and wind power, there is immense potential to innovate and generate energy by incorporating cutting-edge technologies into our existing infrastructure.

  • Improving traceability and transparency in renewable energy dealings, streamlining peer-to-peer power exchanges, and promoting efficient grid administration are crucial. Leveraging smart contracts and decentralized platforms can enable secure, automated energy transactions, ultimately empowering end users.

  • Food systems are responsible for around one-quarter (26%) of global greenhouse gas emissions, 90% of deforestation globally, and 80% of all water consumed. Food system also accounts for major negative impact to the ocean ecosystem. There is huge potential to shift the conventional system and lifestyle to mitigate these damages.

Advanced Materials

  • Advanced and new materials present a wealth of growth opportunities, driven by innovative breakthroughs in fields such as nanotechnology, composites, and biomaterials. As these materials offer enhanced performance characteristics and sustainability, investing in their development and commercialization can lead to transformative applications across industries, revolutionizing products, and spurring efficiency gains.

Generative AI

  • We are excited by the transformative potential of Generative AI, which promises to revolutionize industries by enabling novel approaches in addressing critical planetary and environmental challenges. This investment vertical stands at the forefront of pioneering systems and business models, with the power to reshape our world for the better.

Our 4 “P”s (Pillars)


We believe that the VC Fund is a form of investor activism — to allocate resources to shape the world we want to live in and bring meaningful and long lasting impact.


We are passionate to tackle the challenges as it has so much upside potential in creating an extended virtuous cycle for the planet and human health.


We aim to be the first ones to appreciate the​ technology (i.e. understand the value of) and appreciate (i.e increase) their startup value by providing them support to scale and maximize impact.


For us, the most valuable is the ​practice of good ethics, sense ​of liberal arts, passion, and entrepreneurial mindset. This is to be fundamentally embedded.